First Chapter Critique
The first 5 to 10 pages of your book are arguably the most important. Whether you want to be traditionally published or go the indie route, a lot will depend on those first chapters.
If a reader (or agent) isn’t hooked in those first pages, doesn’t understand what’s happening, or feels ambivalent about the characters, they’ll very likely put your book down. It’s vital that those first few chapters suck your readers in for more so that they finish your book and leave that raving review you’re craving.
This first chapter critique is for you if you:
want to know what’s not working in your first few chapters.
need to know whether your book is ready for editing.
are unsure about the quality of your book.
don’t have the means for a full developmental edit, but would still like some pointers that can help you edit your book with confidence.
What you'll get with a first chapter critique
Have you finished your manuscript, but feel unsure you've nailed the beginning?
Or have you only started with your story, but aren't sure this is the best way to begin it?
Do you want to have your complete manuscript edited, but want to try out if it's right for you?
Then you've come to the right place for my first chapter critique.
My first chapter critique includes:
A thorough developmental edit of up to 5,000 words (so around 2 to 3 chapters).
A 2-3 page report outlining the weaknesses & strengths (and how to fix the issues).
The genre expectations associated with your book.
Character development feedback (are they gaining sympathy? Do they make the reader care?)
Feedback on the writing style.
Feedback on the pacing.
And a lot of suggestions on what you could do to reel readers in and how you could continue.
A first chapter critique has a flat fee price of $205,- (USD).
Hit the button below to make your booking.