Developmental Editing 101: How To Determine The Genre Of Your Work (Nonfiction)
Developmental Editing 101: How To Determine the Genre of Your Work (Fiction)
Developmental Editing Explained by an Editor
11 Tips for Proofreading Your Dissertation, Thesis, or Paper
How to Use Parentheses In Your (Non)Fiction Writing
How to Use Semicolons in Your Writing
How to Punctuate Dialogue: Rules & Examples
Comma Splices: What are They & Should You Fix Them?
Setting Realistic Deadlines for Writers
Capitalization of Fantasy and Sci-Fi Races & Species
What is the Theme of a Story & How can You Find it?
What are the Types of Book Editing (and How do You Decide Which one You Need)?
Using Genre Conventions and Reader Expectations to Write a Killer Story
A Guide to Understanding Fiction Genres
The Cost of Proofreading (And Budget-Friendly Options)
The Cost of Copy Editing (And Budget-Friendly Options)
The Cost of Line Editing (And Budget-Friendly Options)
How to Use APA Citations in Your Nonfiction Book
Em Dash, En Dash, and Hyphen: When Do You Use Them?
Active vs. Passive Voice in Writing: Which to Use?